Elgin Mall to Retain its Name in New East Dundee Location

The Elgin Mall, a long-standing shopping destination in Elgin, is set to relocate to East Dundee next month and has resolved the issue of its new name. Elgin Mall Corp. initially intended to retain the current moniker, which has been associated with the business for over two decades in Elgin, anticipating that many of its loyal customers would follow them to the new location. However, East Dundee village officials expressed concerns that the name could be confusing to those unfamiliar with the business, particularly given its new location in East Dundee. This concern stemmed from the fact that the Elgin Mall is an indoor market comprised of independent vendors, and its relocation to East Dundee required a new sign for the building. While businesses have the right to choose their own names, East Dundee Village Administrator Erika Storlie emphasized the importance of the mall’s name to its customer base and its reluctance to change it. The issue escalated when the mall’s signage went before the East Dundee Village Board for approval. Although the board cannot dictate a business’s name unless it is considered profane or obscene, trustees raised concerns that the Elgin Mall sign could be misleading, especially considering the business’s location at the gateway to the village. They requested that mall representatives consider an alternative name. Ultimately, a compromise was reached: the mall will be named the Elgin Mall of East Dundee. Trustee Kathleen Mahony expressed appreciation for the concession, which allows the mall to maintain its brand identity while addressing the village’s concerns about clarity. The Elgin Mall of East Dundee is expected to open in May, and approximately 60 vendors are preparing to operate in the new location.

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