Crows Can Count Out Loud, Study Reveals

Crows Possess Vocal Counting Abilities

A groundbreaking study has unveiled the astonishing ability of carrion crows to count out loud. This remarkable discovery marks the first definitive evidence of animals employing distinct vocalizations for counting, a skill previously thought to be exclusive to humans.

The researchers trained three crows to associate various visual (Arabic numerals) and auditory (instrument sounds) cues with specific numbers ranging from one to four. Through a series of trials, the crows learned to produce the corresponding number of caws in response to these cues.


The researchers suggest that the crows’ counting skills mirror those of human toddlers, who often rely on vocalizations of numbers rather than symbols during their early stages of numerical understanding. This finding may provide insights into the evolutionary origins of true counting, where numbers are integrated into a symbolic system.

This groundbreaking study deepens our understanding of animal cognition and provides compelling evidence for the remarkable numeracy abilities of crows. Their ability to count out loud further highlights the complexity and intelligence of the animal kingdom.

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