Power Metals Corp. Reports Encouraging Progress on Phase II Drill Program at Case Lake Property

Power Metals Corp. Delivers Positive Exploration Update at Case Lake

Power Metals Corp. (PWM) is thrilled to announce significant progress in its Phase II 2024 drill program at its 100% owned Case Lake property, located in northeastern Ontario, Canada. The second phase of drilling, executed in collaboration with Major Drilling, has successfully completed eleven diamond drill holes, totaling 841 meters, exceeding the initial target of 2,500 meters. Notably, the drilling program is running ahead of schedule and is projected to be completed in early October, significantly enhancing the company’s ability to test several high-priority cesium targets.

West Joe Zone: Promising Cesium Intercepts

At the West Joe zone, drilling activities have effectively delineated and expanded the known pollucite and spodumene mineralization. Drill holes PWM-24-207 to PWM-24-213 encountered consistent pegmatites ranging in thickness from 2 to 8 meters, exhibiting pollucite grades between 2% and 20% and spodumene grades between 2% and 15%. Similarly, drill holes PWM-24-214 to PWM-24-217 intersected similar pegmatites with spodumene mineralization. Final assay results are eagerly anticipated to confirm the presence of cesium and/or pollucite mineralization. The first batch of samples from West Joe has already been submitted to SGS Canada for analysis.

The West Joe zone is a highly-fractionated pegmatite system known for its rich cesium content, evidenced by the presence of pollucite mineralization. Previous drilling campaigns conducted between 2017 and 2024 yielded substantial high-grade cesium mineralization, with reported grades reaching up to 24.7% Cs2O. The company’s ongoing exploration efforts are strategically focused on expanding the known mineralization both at depth and along strike to the east. Further drilling is planned to test the down plunge extension of West Joe to the east during September before the drill equipment is moved to the Main Zone to target cesium-rich zones. The remaining 1,700 meters of drilling will be completed in approximately 14 holes.

Enthusiastic Leadership Commentary

Haydn Daxter, CEO of Power Metals, expressed his satisfaction with the current progress of the Phase II Drilling Program at Case Lake. “We are extremely pleased with the current progress to date for our Phase II Drilling Program at Case Lake. The team continues to unearth high-grade cesium intercepts at West Joe from drilling to date and we look forward to our first round of assay results. We anticipate drilling to be completed in early October and assay results to commence later in the month.”

Metallurgical Test Work: Validating Viability

In a significant move, Power Metals has accelerated its metallurgical test work in collaboration with SGS Laboratories in Canada. Over 80 kilograms of material have been sent to SGS to initiate the testing process for cesium chemical production. Concurrently, over 60 kilograms of material have been dispatched to Tomra Australia for ore sorting and mineral separation trials, focusing on cesium extraction from the West Joe zone. The metallurgical test work, expected to continue into October, aims to further de-risk the cesium mineralization at West Joe.

Johnathan More, Chairman of Power Metals, echoed the positive sentiments surrounding the ongoing exploration activities. “I am extremely pleased with the current progress of our 2024 Phase II Drilling Program at Case Lake from the team on the ground. The Company remains fully funded for exploration drilling and test work as we continue to develop a clear path for the high-grade pollucite mineralization at West Joe.”

A Deeper Dive into Key Partners


: A global leader in testing, inspection, and certification, SGS is recognized for its commitment to quality and integrity. With over 98,000 employees and a network spanning over 2,650 offices and laboratories, SGS plays a vital role in facilitating a safer and more interconnected world.

TOMRA Sorting

: Specializing in sensor technology, TOMRA Sorting offers a comprehensive portfolio of solutions enabling precise detection and classification of individual particles. The company boasts three dedicated test centers in Hamburg (Germany), Sydney (Australia), and Johannesburg (South Africa), each providing specialized testing capabilities for the mining sector.

Case Lake Property: A Strategic Resource

Situated approximately 80 kilometers east of Cochrane, in northeastern Ontario, the Case Lake Property encompasses a substantial area of 585 cell claims spread across various townships. The property, measuring 10 kilometers by 9.5 kilometers, features 14 granitic domes and a notable pegmatite swarm consisting of six spodumene dykes. These dykes, including the North, Main, South, East, Northeast, and West Joe, collectively form a mineralization trend spanning approximately 10 kilometers. Power Metals’ extensive exploration campaigns have resulted in the discovery and expansion of both new and historic spodumene-bearing LCT pegmatites within the Case Lake Property. Between 2017 and 2024, the company has drilled a total of 19,607 meters of core at the property, demonstrating a deep commitment to understanding its potential.

Power Metals Corp. – A Leader in Sustainable Mining

Power Metals Corp. is a diversified Canadian mining company dedicated to exploring, developing, and acquiring high-quality mining projects. The company is committed to building a portfolio of projects focused on lithium and high-growth specialty metals and minerals. Recognizing the immense growth potential of the lithium battery and clean technology industries, Power Metals is strategically positioned to meet the burgeoning demand for these critical resources.

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