Vaseline: The Unexpected Key to Longer-Lasting Eggs?

The typical supermarket egg comes with a 28-day best-before date, but improper storage can lead to spoilage before that. While many tried-and-true methods exist to extend their freshness, there’s a unique trick that might surprise you. This unusual food storage hack, popular among sailors for keeping eggs fresh on long voyages, involves a surprising ingredient: Vaseline.

On an online Cruisers Forum, a user named ‘RaymondR’ shared this lesser-known tip: “Vaseline, I have tried this one and it appears to work.” He explained that he coated eggs in Vaseline and stored them for three months. When he cracked them for scrambled eggs, they seemed perfectly edible. This practice, according to forum members, has been around for centuries, although it’s not as widely used today.

Yacht expert Michael Harpurat, on the sailing platform Eoceanic, also vouched for the method. He explained that eggs go bad when air oxidizes them, penetrating their protective shell. Vaseline acts as an extra layer of protection, preventing oxidation and evaporation. He added, “Eggs coated in petroleum jelly will keep for months on end but will eventually develop an off-flavour after a few months.” However, Michael prefers a simpler method for his sea voyages: turning the eggs regularly. He found this met his needs for extended egg preservation during his circumnavigation. He also mentioned that modern egg storage solutions, like plastic egg cases, have simplified the process. These cases can hold up to 15 eggs, allowing for easy turning with a single flip and convenient transportation.

The Food Standards Agency recommends storing whole eggs in a cool, dry place, preferably in the refrigerator, to maintain a consistently cool temperature and ensure their safety. So, while Vaseline might be a fascinating throwback to a bygone era, modern techniques offer a more convenient and equally effective way to keep your eggs fresh.

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