Hermes Airports Celebrates World Tourism Day: Promoting Peace Through Tourism

On Friday, September 27, 2024, Hermes Airports joined the global community in celebrating World Tourism Day. This year, the company proudly aligned with the World Tourism Organization’s theme, ‘Tourism and Peace,’ highlighting the industry’s vital role in fostering not only economic development but also peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding among nations.

Hermes Airports sees tourism as a bridge between cultures, fostering meaningful connections that transcend borders. The company believes that tourism, an industry powered by people, is a critical platform for breaking down stereotypes and combating prejudices. In today’s interconnected world, tourism has the power to unite individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering greater understanding and respect among communities.

Hermes Airports stands at the forefront of this effort, ensuring that tourism in Cyprus continues to build bridges, not barriers. Cyprus, with its rich historical heritage and multicultural identity, has long been a meeting point of civilizations. The island’s natural beauty, combined with its deep cultural roots, offers a perfect example of how tourism can foster unity. The airports of Cyprus embrace this opportunity, working tirelessly to promote the island as a destination where cultures converge and peaceful exchanges thrive.

As tourism to Cyprus grows, Hermes Airports’ role in facilitating these meaningful exchanges becomes even more crucial. By investing in sustainable tourism practices and inclusive travel experiences, Hermes Airports is setting an example of how tourism can act as a force for good in a rapidly changing world. Cyprus stands as a beacon of how tourism can promote peace, helping to create a more harmonious global community.

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