Aldi’s Baked Beans Beat Heinz in Taste Test, Saving You Money

Baked beans are a staple in many British kitchens, enjoyed for breakfast or as a classic accompaniment to toast. While these humble tins of goodness are packed with protein, fiber, and even one of your five-a-day, they have become increasingly expensive. Heinz, a household name in baked beans, has hiked prices by a staggering 40%, pushing their iconic Beanz to a hefty £1.40 for a 415g tin. Heinz attributes this price surge to the rising cost of tomatoes, a key ingredient in both ketchup and their beloved beans.

However, a recent taste test conducted by Which? has revealed that you don’t have to shell out top dollar for delicious baked beans. Aldi’s own-brand Bramwells Baked Beans in a Rich Tomato Sauce triumphed over established and pricier brands like Heinz and Branston, securing the coveted top spot. These budget-friendly beans, costing a mere 41p for a 410g can, were 99p cheaper than Heinz Beanz. Aldi’s success wasn’t just about the price; their beans also won over the palates of 66 baked bean enthusiasts, achieving a remarkable 76% overall score and earning a Which? Best Buy and Great Value endorsement.

Natalie Hitchins, Which? Head of Home Products and Services, highlighted the significance of this finding: “Baked beans are a staple for many households, and our results show you don’t have to pay a premium for the best taste.” She emphasized the cost-saving potential of choosing supermarket own-label products, stating that “choosing supermarket own-label groceries is not only a great way to save money, but our tests prove that you can end up with a better tasting product and can save over £100 a year by making the switch.”

The taste panel praised Aldi’s Bramwells beans for their appealing appearance, aroma, and flavor. A whopping three-quarters of the tasters (74%) declared the flavor strength perfect. Branston Baked Beans, with an overall score of 75% and also awarded a Best Buy, closely followed Aldi’s offering. The panel found Branston’s beans visually appealing and the flavor intensity satisfied a significant majority of tasters (70%).

Co-op’s Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce secured a respectable third place with a score of 74%. While a majority (70%) found the flavor strength satisfactory, some desired a stronger tomato taste. The remaining supermarket own-brand baked beans, including Asda, Waitrose Essential, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrisons, and Marks and Spencer, also performed well but scored slightly lower than the top three contenders.

This taste test delivers a powerful message: you don’t have to compromise on quality or taste when choosing budget-friendly options. Aldi’s Bramwells Baked Beans stand as a testament to this, offering a delicious and affordable alternative to pricier brands. So next time you’re reaching for a can of baked beans, consider the value and taste that Aldi offers, saving your wallet and satisfying your taste buds in the process.

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