How to Keep Bread Fresh Longer: Expert Tips to Avoid Mold

Mold can silently invade our bread, spreading rapidly and making it inedible. While preventing mold completely is challenging, there are simple strategies to prolong the freshness of your loaf.

Sarah Taylor, a food hygiene expert at High Speed Training, emphasizes the importance of freshness and proper storage. She sheds light on common mistakes that accelerate mold growth, helping you make informed choices for preserving your bread.

One of the most common questions is whether or not to eat bread with visible mold. Taylor advises against it, explaining that the mold has likely spread further than it appears. She suggests buying sliced bread as a cost-effective solution, as it slows down the spread of mold.

To keep your bread fresh for longer, Taylor recommends the following:


Cover it up:

Store bread in a bread bin or bag, ensuring the packaging covers as much of the loaf as possible.

Avoid water:

Keep your bread away from moisture, as it can accelerate mold growth.

Freezing is your friend:

If you don’t consume bread quickly, freezing is a great option to prevent mold and maintain edibility. Simply defrost your bread in the toaster using the defrost setting to avoid soggy slices.

Following these simple tips can help you enjoy your bread longer without encountering the dreaded mold. Remember, fresh bread is a delicious treat, and with a little knowledge, you can keep it that way.

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