Biden Administration Defends Prince Harry Against Potential Deportation

Amidst a legal battle over his U.S. visa, Prince Harry has received support from the Biden administration, which has defended a statement made by U.S. ambassador Jane Hartley, suggesting that the president would not consider deporting him.

The legal dispute stems from The Heritage Foundation’s lawsuit against the Department for Homeland Security, seeking to obtain Harry’s visa records to determine if he had provided false information. During an interview, former President Donald Trump hinted at the possibility of deporting Harry if re-elected.

In response to a question on the matter, Hartley stated that deportation would not occur under the Biden administration. The Heritage Foundation cited this remark in court, claiming it amounted to confirmation that Harry would not be deported, regardless of circumstances.

However, the Department for Homeland Security has defended Hartley’s statement, arguing that it does not reveal any government misconduct. The department’s court filing contends that Hartley’s comment was solely a response to Trump’s suggestion of deportation and does not constitute a blanket guarantee that Harry would never face deportation.

This development provides support for Harry’s position, as the Biden administration has consistently maintained that there is no need to release his private information. The Heritage Foundation, on the other hand, continues to argue for the public’s right to know if Harry received favorable treatment from immigration officials.

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