Bill Gates Reveals His “Serious Girlfriend”

Bill Gates Finds Love Again After Divorce

[[Bill Gates]], the 69-year-old co-founder of [[Microsoft]], has found love again after his divorce from Melinda French Gates in 2021. In a recent interview, he shared that he’s dating Paula Hurd, the widow of former Oracle CEO Mark Hurd, and they are having a great time together.

A New Chapter in Bill Gates’ Personal Life

Mr. Gates and Ms. Hurd have been seen together at many events since 2022, but they only recently confirmed their relationship. They’ve been enjoying each other’s company, attending the 2024 Olympics and other fun outings.

Paula Hurd: A Philanthropist with a Passion for Education and Healthcare

Ms. Hurd, who was married to Mark Hurd until his passing in 2019, shares two daughters with him. She has a deep passion for giving back to society and has been supporting non-profit groups related to education and healthcare for over 20 years.

Gates’ Memoir Acknowledges Hurd’s Support

In his latest book, “Source Code,” which came out just yesterday, Mr. Gates gives a shout-out to Ms. Hurd for being one of the first people to read his work. The memoir talks about his early life, from childhood to the time he started Microsoft with Paul Allen in 1975.

Reflecting on a Lucky Life

Mr. Gates shared that writing the memoir made him think about his past. As he approaches 70 and Microsoft nears its 50th anniversary, he felt it was time to share his incredible journey and how his supportive parents shaped his path to success.

Microsoft’s Continued Success

Bill Gates discussed the continued success of Microsoft, highlighting the company’s innovative work in areas like [[tech]] and [[AI]]. The tech giant continues to be a major player in the [[market]], with [[latest]] [[updates]] and [[analysis]] showing its influence on the [[global]] stage.

Gates’ Philanthropic Efforts

Beyond his work at Microsoft, Gates continues to make headlines for his philanthropic endeavors, with [[news]] outlets [[today]] reporting on his [[latest]] initiatives. He remains a key figure in [[business]] and [[innovation]].

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