EPA Finalizes Power Plant Rules, but Gas Plants Get a Pass

EPA Finalizes Power Plant Rules, but Gas Plants Get a Pass

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized new rules aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, but the rules do not include specific measures to address emissions from the nation’s natural gas-fired power plants. This is a significant omission, as natural gas is the largest source of electricity generation in the United States.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan has stated that the agency is taking more time to strengthen rules for existing gas power plants, but this delay could leave the decision to a potential future Trump administration, which has previously tried to weaken environmental protections.

The EPA has also announced that it is gathering input for a possible new rule to address emissions from existing natural gas plants, but it is unclear how long this process will take. In the meantime, the agency has given power plants until 2032 to comply with the new pollution-cutting measures, which is two years later than originally proposed.

Environmental groups have welcomed the new standards but have also expressed concern about the lack of specific measures to address gas-fired power plants. They argue that a comprehensive approach is needed to meet the Biden administration’s climate commitments and protect public health.

Green-Hued Golden Retriever Puppy Born in Florida

Green-Hued Golden Retriever Puppy Born in Florida

A golden retriever in Florida has given birth to a unique green-hued puppy named Shamrock. The puppy, the only one in her litter with an unusual coat color, gained viral fame with over 8 million views on TikTok. The color is attributed to exposure to a green bile pigment in the mother’s womb. Despite the initial green hue, the color gradually faded after a few weeks, leaving behind an adorable puppy with a traditional cream coat.

Kat Stratford: The Tortured Poet We Need Right Now

Kat Stratford: The Tortured Poet We Need Right Now

As Taylor Swift’s latest album continues to make waves, we take a look back at one of the best coming-of-age rom-coms ever made, 10 Things I Hate About You, and its iconic protagonist, Kat Stratford. Loosely based on Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew,” the film stars Julia Stiles as Kat, a rebellious and outspoken teenager who falls in love with the equally brooding Patrick Verona, played by Heath Ledger. Kat is a true tortured poet, a misfit who is both assertive and vulnerable, and her character reminds us that being angry and being yourself are not mutually exclusive.

Portugal Commemorates Carnation Revolution with Surrealism and Revolutionary Spirit

Portugal Commemorates Carnation Revolution with Surrealism and Revolutionary Spirit

Portugal celebrates the 50th anniversary of its Carnation Revolution with a festival inspired by Luis Buñuel’s film ‘Phantom of Liberty’. The Anozero Biennale of Contemporary Art examines revolutionary movements and themes of liberty through the lens of surrealism. Artists from various countries will present their works in response to the curatorial question of how contemporary art challenges concepts of freedom and revolution.

Cicada Invasion: Loud ‘Siren’ Sounds Reported as Billions Emerge

Cicada Invasion: Loud ‘Siren’ Sounds Reported as Billions Emerge

As billions of cicadas emerge from underground after years of dormancy, residents in South Carolina have reported hearing loud ‘siren’ sounds. The Newberry County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that the noise is caused by male cicadas singing to attract mates. These red-eyed periodical cicadas, known as Brood X and Brood XIII, have not converged in centuries and are emerging in unprecedented numbers. While the noise may be annoying, cicadas pose no danger to humans or pets. This double dose of cicadas is a rare phenomenon that has not been seen for centuries and is estimated to involve trillions of insects across 16 states.

Over 140 Whales Stranded in Western Australia, Prompting Rescue Efforts

Over 140 Whales Stranded in Western Australia, Prompting Rescue Efforts

Marine wildlife experts are battling to save over 140 whales that have become stranded in the shallow waters of Toby Inlet in Geographe Bay, Western Australia. Unfortunately, 26 whales have already perished as a result of the stranding. A team of experts, including wildlife officers, marine scientists, and veterinarians, is working tirelessly on-site to assist the remaining whales.

The area near Dunsborough, a popular tourist destination, is where the whales are stranded. According to the Western Australia Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions, four pods of up to 160 whales are spread out over 500 meters. The situation is quite serious, and past strandings have shown that euthanasia is frequently the most compassionate solution for the affected animals.

Pilot whales are renowned for their close-knit social connections, and this behavior may have contributed to the stranding. When one whale encounters trouble and runs ashore, the others frequently follow suit.

Alfredo Cunha’s Photographs Immortalize the 50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution

Alfredo Cunha’s Photographs Immortalize the 50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution

Alfredo Cunha’s photographs documented the Carnation Revolution, ending over forty years of dictatorship in Portugal. His iconic images, including the famous portrait of Captain Salgueiro Maia, have become defining testimonies of the revolution. Today, Cunha’s work continues to be celebrated through exhibitions and collaborations, offering insights into the transformative events of April 25, 1974.

National Weather Forecast for Thursday, April 25

National Weather Forecast for Thursday, April 25

The National Weather Service has issued a national weather forecast for Thursday, April 25. According to the forecast, the eastern United States will experience mostly clear skies and mild temperatures, with highs in the mid-60s to mid-70s. The central United States will see partly cloudy skies and slightly warmer temperatures, with highs in the upper 70s to low 80s. The western United States will have mostly sunny skies and warm temperatures, with highs in the 80s to low 90s.

Tennis: The Erotic Sport That’s Captivating Hollywood and Beyond

Tennis: The Erotic Sport That’s Captivating Hollywood and Beyond

Tennis is a sport that is often overlooked when it comes to its cinematic potential, but the new film by Luca Guadagnino, which stars Zendaya, has brought a new level of attention to the game. The film presents tennis as a sensual and erotic activity, exploring the psychological and physical dynamics of the sport. From the intense love triangle at the heart of the story to the simmering tension on the court, the film captures the allure of tennis as a game of both skill and desire.

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