Clean Core Thorium Energy Partners with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories to Accelerate Thorium Fuel Commercialization

Clean Core Thorium Energy (Clean Core) is thrilled to announce its acceptance into Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ (CNL) Canadian Nuclear Research Initiative (CNRI). This partnership will see CNL and Clean Core collaborate to verify and validate the computer codes and analytical models used in the design and safety analysis of Clean Core’s ANEELTM fuel. This crucial step will pave the way for the accelerated commercialization of this innovative fuel technology for Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) reactors.

Clean Core has developed and patented the ANEELTM fuel, a groundbreaking blend of thorium and enriched uranium. Designed for use in existing pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWR) and CANDU reactors, this fuel offers flexibility across various enrichment levels, including low-enriched uranium (LEU+) to high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU), and fuel designs, such as 19-pin and 37-pin configurations. Importantly, the ANEELTM fuel retains the same external dimensions as the currently used natural uranium (NU) fuel while leveraging a high burnup, once-through fuel cycle.

The ANEELTM fuel offers several advantages over the conventional low burnup, NU fuel, even without any modifications to the reactor or its core. These advantages include:


Improved safety:

The ANEELTM fuel enhances reactor safety through its inherent properties.

Enhanced economics:

The fuel’s high burnup and efficient design lead to improved economics, reducing operational costs.

Streamlined operations:

The ANEELTM fuel simplifies reactor operations, reducing the need for frequent refueling cycles.

Reduced nuclear waste:

This innovative fuel technology significantly reduces the volume of nuclear waste generated, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

Proliferation resistance:

The ANEELTM fuel inherently possesses enhanced resistance to nuclear weapons proliferation, further bolstering its safety and security advantages.

Launched in 2019, the CNRI program plays a vital role in accelerating the deployment of nuclear technologies in Canada. By fostering research and development, the program connects the nuclear industry with the expertise and facilities of Canada’s national nuclear laboratories. This collaboration optimizes resources, facilitates technical knowledge sharing, provides cost-share funding, and grants participants access to CNL’s invaluable expertise.

“Clean Core recognizes this as a key collaboration for the ANEELTM fuel, leveraging the technical capabilities and existing domain expertise at CNL for development and assessment of various fuel, physics, and thermohydraulic models,” emphasizes Mehul Shah, CEO and Founder of Clean Core. “This collaboration will meaningfully accelerate the deployment of the ANEELTM fuel, which can impact the Canadian and global nuclear industries.”

Clean Core has successfully completed initial design studies and recently announced the successful conclusion of the Phase 1 Pre-licensing Vendor Design Review process with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Furthermore, Clean Core has forged a Strategic Partnership Project Agreement with the US Department of Energy (DOE) and is currently conducting irradiation testing and qualification of the ANEEL fuel in the Advanced Test Reactor at Idaho National Labs. These tests are targeting burnup levels of up to 60 GWd/T, further validating the fuel’s performance and reliability.

About Clean Core Thorium Energy:

Clean Core Thorium Energy is a pioneering nuclear fuel company dedicated to exploring innovative thorium-driven nuclear solutions. The company’s patented ANEELTM fuel, composed of thorium and enriched uranium, has the potential to significantly enhance the safety and cost-efficiency of pressurized heavy-water reactors. This novel fuel technology presents a compelling solution to address critical safety, waste, and proliferation concerns within today’s nuclear power plants.

Learn more about Clean Core Thorium Energy at Connect with them on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) to stay updated on their latest advancements.

Clean Core Contact:

Milan Shah
Chief Operating Officer

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