In a shocking incident that took place on Teacher’s Day, September 5th, a government primary school teacher in Madhya Pradesh, India, was caught on video cutting a student’s hair while intoxicated. The incident, which occurred in the Semalkhedi village of Ratlam district, has sparked outrage and led to the teacher’s suspension.
The teacher, identified as Veer Singh Medha, was reportedly in an inebriated state when he picked up a pair of scissors and cut the girl’s braided hair. He claimed he was punishing the girl for not studying. However, when villagers intervened, Medha became aggressive and continued cutting the girl’s hair.
A video of the incident, which was shared on social media, went viral, drawing the attention of the Ratlam District Collector, Rajesh Batham. Batham ordered a probe into the incident and subsequently issued Medha’s suspension order. A criminal case has been registered against the teacher for misconduct and child abuse.
The incident has raised serious concerns about the safety and well-being of students in schools. It highlights the importance of addressing issues of teacher misconduct and the need for stricter measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.