The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is conducting raids in West Bengal in connection with a financial scam involving RG Kar Hospital and the brutal rape and murder of a trainee woman doctor. Sources from the ED have confirmed that they have reached the residence of former principal Sandip Ghosh, who is currently in custody of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Ghosh’s arrest by the CBI’s Anti-Corruption Branch on September 2 stemmed from allegations of financial misconduct at the hospital. Prior to his arrest, Dr. Ghosh was subjected to 15 days of interrogation by the CBI regarding the alleged rape and murder of a post-graduate trainee from RG Kar Hospital on August 9, as well as financial irregularities at the hospital. He was also subjected to polygraph tests.
The CBI’s investigation and the ED’s subsequent actions are focused on Dr. Ghosh’s alleged involvement in both the doctor’s murder and money laundering activities. The shocking murder of the trainee doctor in Kolkata has triggered widespread protests across West Bengal and the rest of India, highlighting the need for swift justice and accountability in this case.