Lady Gaga has opened up about her engagement to Michael Polansky, revealing details about their relationship and how he helped her through a difficult period in her life. In a recent cover story for US Vogue, Gaga shared that Polansky proposed to her after a rock climbing trip in April. She described him as “the first person I’ve ever met who was both incredibly smart and kind, and also whose life was completely separate from mine.” She emphasized that Polansky is a private individual and that their relationship works because of their different lives.
The two met at a friend’s party and quickly fell in love. During the pandemic, they lived together at Gaga’s Malibu home, which strengthened their bond. Gaga described that time as a “gift” because she was able to focus on her relationship and not her career, something she hadn’t been able to do since she was a teenager. “I met someone who is a wonderful person who supports me and wants to know who I am without the Lady Gaga,” she said.
Polansky described their relationship as one that involved “all the normal things that you do to build a relationship,” such as making coffee, walking their dogs, and reading together. However, Gaga also revealed that she went through a challenging period during the creation of her sixth studio album, ‘Chromatica’, in 2022. She admitted to feeling “very dark” and experiencing intense emotional struggles.
“I’ve been in a lot of pain before, but it really started changing. I had a true friend who could see I wasn’t well and why,” she explained. “He didn’t hesitate to hold my hand and get to know me on a deeper level.” She emphasized that Polansky was a beacon of light during a difficult time.
“I thought I would be alone forever, because life is so hard, and I was really scared,” Gaga shared. “I think that fear is something only someone who’s felt it can understand. But I’m not alone anymore.” She spoke about finding the piece she had been missing in her life: “What I needed was real love.”