Planet Earth III has witnessed a significant change, with Sir David Attenborough stepping aside as the narrator for a special episode to celebrate Earth Day. This episode, titled “Planet Earth III: Narrated by Schoolchildren,” features the voices of 49 schoolchildren between the ages of 9 and 13, who take on the role of narrating Attenborough’s original scripts.
The collaboration between Planet Earth III and BBC Children In Need has resulted in the selection of schools that have actively supported the organization’s fundraising efforts. These children serve as inspiring voices for nature, demonstrating that anyone can play a role in advocating for the planet’s well-being.
Lizzie Daly, a wildlife biologist and presenter, expressed her excitement about the initiative, encouraging schools to participate in the Become a Voice for Nature campaign. Claire Hoyle, Director of Income, Marketing, and Communications at BBC Children In Need, emphasized the campaign’s goal: to educate and inspire young people about the importance of protecting the planet.
This special episode of Planet Earth III not only showcases breathtaking visuals from the original series but also serves as a testament to the power of youth voices in promoting environmental awareness. Sir David Attenborough’s legacy of inspiring generations continues through this episode, which empowers children to become advocates for the natural world.