National Public Data Confirms Data Breach, But Impact May Be Smaller Than Initially Reported

National Public Data (NPD) has confirmed a data breach that may have affected some user information. While initial reports suggested a staggering 2.9 billion records were compromised, official statements from NPD and the Maine Attorney General’s office indicate the actual number of affected individuals could be significantly lower, potentially affecting only 1.3 million people. This makes the breach less severe than initially feared but still a serious issue, prompting NPD to advise users to take preventive measures against potential fraud.

Massive Data Breach Exposes 2.9 Billion Records: National Public Data Under Fire

A massive data breach, potentially one of the largest in history, has exposed 2.9 billion personal records allegedly stolen from National Public Data, a background check company. The data, including Social Security numbers and past addresses, was reportedly shared on a hacking forum by an individual claiming it was obtained from a breach caused by a hacker known as SXUL. While the company has yet to officially confirm the breach, individuals have confirmed their data was compromised, raising serious concerns about data privacy and security.

Massive Data Breach Exposes 2.9 Billion Records: National Public Data in Hot Water

A massive data breach affecting 2.9 billion personal records, including sensitive information like social security numbers, has been reported at National Public Data, a background check company. The leak, allegedly sold on the dark web, raises serious concerns about data privacy and security. The company has yet to confirm the breach, but the lawsuit alleges that data scraping practices and inadequate security measures led to the exposure of sensitive information.

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