The penultimate installment of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 throws viewers into the heart of a massive, visually stunning battle. Adar, the Orcish leader, and Elrond, the Elven prince, clash in a nightmarish siege outside the walls of Eregion. This conflict, known as the Siege of Eregion, is a highlight of the season, and for good reason. It stands as one of the most impressive blockbuster battle sequences ever brought to life on television.
The battle unfolds almost entirely in darkness, yet the action remains clear and comprehensible. This is a testament to the skill of director Charlotte Brändström and cinematographer Alex Disenhof. Disenhof, in an interview with Collider, confessed his initial worry about how to make a nighttime battle visually engaging. “As [a] cinematographer, I think, some of the scariest things you can read on a page are like, ‘A moonlit night,’” Disenhof admitted. He knew firsthand how frustrating it could be for viewers to struggle to see what’s happening in a dark, epic battle, as evidenced by the heavily criticized “The Long Night” episode of Game of Thrones.
Disenhof devised a clever solution by using a key element of the Siege of Eregion – the giant fireballs launched by Adar’s Orcish army. “We let that be our guide,” Disenhof revealed. “I was able to use real fire, and fake fire that we lit with lights, as our key for a lot of the scene.” The fire from these catapults and explosions became a source of light, illuminating every corner of the battle, including the actors’ performances.
“We had this experience where I could say, if a character, Elrond, say, falls down, and I could say, ‘Well, you know what, I really want to see his face here. Hey, Special Effects Department, can you light a fire six feet from his head? Or however close you can get it safely?,’ and use that and see it in camera,” Disenhof recalled. “It keeps the frame alive.” The resulting battle is a captivating spectacle, crafted with the viewer’s experience in mind. It serves as a reminder that even in darkness, light can shine through, illuminating the action and captivating the audience. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 finale premieres Thursday, October 3 on Prime Video.