USC Student Defies Anti-Israel Radicals, Refuses to Be Silenced

USC graduate student Mark Rayant faced anti-Semitism head-on at the prestigious school that’s been rocked by anti-Israel radicals. Rayant confronted two individuals from an anti-Israel encampment, who had been following and harassing him for 20-30 minutes. He refused to be bullied or intimidated, stating that he and other Jewish students deserved to be on campus and celebrate their graduation. Rayant has been in contact with a Holocaust survivor who expressed concern about the current level of anti-Semitism, which he described as unprecedented. The main graduation ceremony at USC was canceled due to safety concerns stemming from anti-Israel protests. Rayant criticized the university’s handling of the situation, believing that it sent a message that Jewish students were not safe on campus. He encouraged people to contact their representatives and university leaders to condemn the anti-Semitism and support Jewish students. Despite the challenges, Rayant and other Jewish students are determined to stand up to the bullies and protect their right to free speech and celebrate their achievements.

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