Zelenskyy at UN: No Just Peace Without Ukraine, War Crimes Must Be Held Accountable

In a powerful address to the United Nations General Assembly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a stark message: there can be no just peace without Ukraine. He painted a harrowing picture of the human cost of Russia’s war, highlighting the suffering of Ukrainian children forced to learn the sounds of artillery and the families torn apart by Putin’s actions.

Zelenskyy emphasized that Russia’s relentless pursuit of territorial expansion is a dangerous threat, not just to Ukraine, but to all neighboring countries. “Every neighboring country of Russia in Europe and central Asia knows that the war will come to them as well,” he warned. He also criticized attempts by China and Brazil to push for talks with Russia without addressing Ukraine’s core concerns.

He asserted that any peace agreement must be based on Ukraine’s interests and must not be imposed from the outside. “Ukrainians will never accept…why anyone in the world believes that such a brutal colonial past can be imposed on Ukraine now,” Zelenskyy stated, underscoring his nation’s determination to shape its own future.

Zelenskyy also expressed his frustration with the UN’s inability to effectively address the conflict due to Russia’s veto power on the Security Council. He highlighted his own peace formula as a way to bypass this obstacle and urged the international community to unite behind it.

He condemned alternative peace proposals from various countries, accusing them of neglecting the suffering of Ukrainians and providing Putin with a platform to prolong the war. He cautioned that such proposals would only serve to prolong the conflict and result in further pain and suffering.

He also raised serious concerns about Russia’s deliberate targeting of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, including power plants and the entire energy grid, warning of the potential for a devastating nuclear disaster. He specifically warned against any attacks on Ukraine’s nuclear power plants, emphasizing that “radiation will not respect state borders” in the event of a nuclear accident.

Zelenskyy concluded his address with a passionate plea for unity and support, urging the world to “be united nations” to achieve a just and lasting peace. “I want peace for my people, real peace and just peace, and I am asking for your support from all nations of the world. We do not divide the world. I ask the same of you. Do not divide the world. Be united nations, and that will bring us peace.”

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