ATM Fraud: How Fraudsters Steal Money and How to Stay Safe

ATMs, once considered secure cash withdrawal points, have become hotbeds for fraudsters. In a recent incident reported by the Times of India, a group of individuals was apprehended by the police for their involvement in over 25 cases of ATM fraud.

The modus operandi of these fraudsters involved removing the card reader from the ATM, causing the victim’s card to become stuck in the machine. Posing as helpful strangers, they would approach the victim and request their PIN under the pretense of assisting with the transaction. Once the victim provided their PIN, the fraudsters would withdraw funds from their account after they left.

To avoid falling prey to such fraudulent activities, it is crucial to be vigilant and aware of the following safety measures:

Inspect the ATM:

Before inserting your card, carefully inspect the machine for any suspicious modifications or attachments.

Be wary of strangers offering assistance:

If someone approaches you claiming to help with your transaction, politely decline and contact the bank directly.

Cover your PIN:

When entering your PIN, always shield the keypad with your hand to prevent anyone from窥探。

Report suspicious activity:

If you notice any unusual behavior or suspicious individuals around an ATM, immediately report it to the bank or authorities.

By following these precautions, you can protect yourself from ATM fraud and safeguard your financial information.

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