Earthquakes: How Taiwan’s Preparedness Lessons Can Benefit India

Earthquakes: How Taiwan’s Preparedness Lessons Can Benefit India

In the past two decades, major earthquakes have struck many parts of the world, leaving devastating consequences. The April 3 earthquake in Taiwan, with a magnitude of 7.4, is a reminder of the importance of earthquake preparedness.

Taiwan’s earthquake preparedness measures, developed in response to the devastating 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, are among the most advanced globally. Stringent building codes, widespread public awareness campaigns, and advanced earthquake monitoring and early warning systems have significantly reduced earthquake damage in Taiwan.

The recent earthquake in Taiwan caused minimal damage compared to earthquakes of similar magnitudes in the past. This demonstrates the effectiveness of Taiwan’s earthquake preparedness efforts and the importance of adhering to seismic codes and constructing earthquake-resistant buildings.

India is currently undergoing a major phase of infrastructural expansion in tectonically unstable regions, including the Himalayas. It is crucial that India follows Taiwan’s example by implementing strict seismic safety regulations and adequately enforcing seismic codes. This will help to reduce earthquake-related damage and save lives.

Some parts of India have traditional architectural styles that possess earthquake resistivity. These styles can be rediscovered and encouraged to promote earthquake-resistant construction.

Learning from Taiwan’s earthquake preparedness measures, India can enhance its own disaster management capabilities and reduce the risks associated with earthquakes in tectonically unstable regions.

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