Free On-Street Parking to Make a Comeback in London’s Core

A staff report recommends the return of free on-street parking in London’s core area to aid economic recovery. The proposed program would implement a free 1-hour on-street parking program for the core area. Additionally, a free 1-hour parking pilot program would be introduced for two Old East Village lots. Both programs would run until the end of 2024, funded from the Economic Development Reserve Fund.

The initiative aims to support businesses, particularly those hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing construction in the core. Barb Maly, executive director of Downtown London, expressed support for the program, hoping it would benefit members and merchants. However, she emphasized the need to analyze the program’s effectiveness to inform future parking plans.

Kevin Morrison, general manager of the OEV BIA, questioned the proposed costs, citing low car usage in the designated lots. He believes the free parking incentive could increase foot traffic to core businesses facing challenges such as vandalism and construction.

Robin Pero, owner of Grow and Bloom Co., welcomed the program as a potential way to encourage more visitors to the area. However, she expressed concern about the effectiveness of the promotion without proper marketing. Kayla Gibbens, owner of Über Cool Stuff, echoed these concerns, highlighting the challenges of accessibility due to road closures and ongoing construction in the core.

The staff report will be presented to the Community and Protective Services Committee on Monday.

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