27 Foods People Insist Are Better Eaten ‘Wrong’

Sometimes, the ‘right’ way to prepare a dish just doesn’t do it for you. Recently, people on Reddit shared some foods they love to eat the ‘wrong’ way. Some sound kinda genius, while others might be considered crimes against food. Here’s what people had to say:

1. “I like to put diced green apples in my guacamole. I know it sounds wrong, but the vegetal crunch and the tart sweetness go so well!!” — u/samg461a

2. “I love mushy rice. Individual grain stuff just doesn’t do it for me.” — u/snowf1ake222

3. “Pizza. I eat the crust first because I don’t want to finish the pizza with crust.” — u/101tard

4. “I prefer chocolate chip cookies without chocolate chips.” — u/pishposh86

5. “I’ll sometimes cook instant ramen with just enough water that when I take it off the stove and put seasoning in, it absorbs all the water. Then, I shovel it in as a shot of sodium directly into my bloodstream.” — u/archerfawkes

6. “I like my hot sauce cold. I know it doesn’t need refrigeration, but I like the temperature contrast.” — u/helpful_corn-

7. “My preferred way to eat bananas is when they’re green to the point where most people wouldn’t enjoy them. To me, they’re just less sweet and have a better texture.” — u/war-armadillo

8. “I’ve eaten Indian food for years, and it was only upon marrying an Indian woman that I learned that I am not supposed to take all my favorite ingredients and make a naan burrito.” — u/illuminihilation

9. “I eat KitKats by biting the chocolate edges off. Then, when it’s just the wafer layers left, I eat it layer by layer.” — u/jananae3000

10. “I love a pie with a soggy bottom. The more raw-textured dough is like eating cookie dough to me. (I would definitely lose the Great British Bake Off.)” — u/big_zucchini_9800

11. “I sometimes order pizza early just to put the whole thing in the fridge so I can have cold ‘leftover’ pizza in the evening.” — u/positivetransition94

12. “The looks I’ve gotten for eating a kiwi like an apple. The skin is delicious.” — u/ill_key_2480

13. “Cold hotdogs without a bun = perfect snack.” — u/capital-designer-385

14. “Dr. Dew. Half Dr. Pepper, half Mountain Dew.” — u/newtonbassist

15. “Bacon should not be crispy. It should be floppy, damn it. I want it moving like a hound’s ear in a wind storm.” — u/guilty-rough8797

16. “I like my scrambled eggs well done. The texture should be rubbery, not soft and mushy. The French style of scrambled eggs that are soft and wet just grosses me out.” — u/less_butter

17. “Instant ramen as a dry snack. Just crush it up in the packaging, add the seasoning/oils, and munch away!” — u/potatoplatypus04

18. “When I eat pizza I take all the toppings off and put them in a pile, eat the crust, the nice soft stuff that still has a bit of sauce on it, throw away the hard edge crust. When I’m all done eating the crust, I eat toppings with a fork.” — u/curlytomato

19. “I love boiled, soft Brussels sprouts that can be mushed up with a fork. I’ll gladly take them over roasted or grilled Brussels sprouts, or someone’s salad they’ve attempted to make using them as little cabbages.” — u/armsforpeace84

20. “I chop all my salads (store-bought or otherwise) using scissors and then use a spoon to eat them. So much tidier.” — u/layneyg

21. “I just bite string cheese sticks like a banana.” — u/erica_birdy11

22. “I love melted ice cream.” — u/favorite_cup_of_tea

23. “I like savory French toast. Keep the sugar and syrup; I want mine with black pepper.” — u/writekindofnonsense

24. “Peanut butter with cereal. Put a big scoop of creamy peanut butter (cheap stuff like Jif works best for this) on the side of the bowl. Eat a little bit of peanut butter on your spoon for each bite. It’s wonderful.” — u/fecalcolumn

25. “Love when chips/crisps go stale. There’s a ‘chewiness’ to it that I like.” — u/wanniewirny

26. “I eat burgers/hotdogs with fork and knife, as well as any and all restaurant-made sandwiches.” — u/nahthank

27. And finally, “I eat the meat out of a burger first and then have a tomato onion sandwich. Growing up, my mom hated that I did that and was forced to eat it ‘normal.’ I got very good at putting the burger to my lips and pulling the meat out with my teeth without ripping it.” — u/rhadamenthes

Are there any foods you like to eat the wrong way? Did any of the wrong foods on the list sound extra wrong to you? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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