69-Year-Old Woman’s Inspiring Fitness Journey Goes Viral

Roshni Devi, a 69-year-old woman, has become a viral sensation across social media platforms for her inspiring fitness journey. Known as ‘weightlifter mummy’ on Instagram, Devi’s dedication to fitness began after she experienced pain in her left knee, making it difficult to walk or stand properly. Determined to regain her mobility, she started a rigorous exercise regime, which now includes daily 60 kg deadlifts, 40 kg squats, and 100 kg leg presses.

Devi attributes her motivation to her son, who encouraged her to join the gym. “I do weight training for one hour and cardio for another hour daily — totaling two hours of workout in the gym. My son motivated me to join the gym. Now I don’t have any pain in any joint of my body and I feel better than before,” she shared.

Devi’s remarkable transformation has garnered widespread admiration, with countless people commending her journey. One Instagram user wrote, “Whenever people ask why I go to gym…and not just run…I show them this video. I wanna be like her when I am 60!” Another added, “This is amazing! A great message to those who believe they can’t.”

The arthritis patient began her weightlifting journey at the age of 68 with her son as her personal trainer. Reflecting on her initial hesitation, Devi shared in a recent Instagram post, “Initially, I was very hesitant. A few times, I even turned back from outside the gym. But my son motivated me. At first, I couldn’t do much, but slowly, I started enjoying the workouts. Now, I don’t have any pain in any joint of my body. I feel better than ever before. I never imagined I could do this, but since then, I’ve never stopped.”

Medical experts have highlighted the significant benefits of weight training at all ages. Senior physiologist Marcas Bamman, quoted in an AP interview, emphasized that weight training can effectively reverse age-related muscle loss, improving muscle mass and function to levels comparable to those 30 to 35 years younger. Bamman further stressed the importance of strength training for women, particularly in mitigating bone loss, especially in areas like the hips and lower back. He noted that both sexes exhibit equal capacity to gain muscle mass and strength through training.

Devi’s story serves as an inspiring testament to the transformative power of dedication and perseverance, proving that age is merely a number when it comes to achieving fitness goals and living a healthy life.

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