7 Signs You’re Dehydrated, Even If You Think You’re Drinking Enough Water

You might think you’re drinking enough water, but if you’re constantly reaching for a cup, you could be more dehydrated than you realize. Our bodies are about 70% water, and we lose up to 2.5 liters daily through basic activities, even breathing. The recommended daily intake for adult women is 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) and 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men, but most of us don’t achieve those amounts. But how can you tell if you’re truly dehydrated? Dr. Ahlemann, a specialist in dermatology, proctology, and nutritional medicine, shares seven common signs.


Dry Mouth:

Feeling thirsty and having a dry mouth are early indicators that you need water. A dry mouth not only signifies a lack of fluids but also indicates a weakened immune system. Dr. Ahlemann explains, “A dry mouth can lead to the oral mucosa, an inner lining of the mouth, being weakened, making you more prone to infections.” If you can’t manage water, rinsing your mouth with liquid can help.


Dark Urine:

Our urine color is a reliable indicator of hydration. Pale yellow urine is ideal. “If your urine is dark, that’s a clear sign you should definitely drink more,” says Dr. Ahlemann. Observing your urine is a simple self-test to assess your water intake.


Headache and Dizziness:

Headaches and dizziness can occur due to decreased blood volume caused by dehydration. This reduces blood and nutrient supply to the brain. If you experience frequent dizziness, consulting a doctor is recommended.


Difficulty Concentrating:

Reduced blood volume can also lead to difficulty concentrating, as the brain isn’t optimally supplied. This is one of the most common signs of dehydration.


Dry Skin and Itching:

Dry skin and itching are typical dehydration signs. To test this, pinch the skin on the back of your hand and pull it up. If it’s slow to return to its original state, it could indicate dehydration. Dehydrated skin can also appear paler due to reduced oxygen and nutrient supply.


Visible Blood Vessels and Sunken Eyes:

When you don’t drink enough, blood thickens, making vessels more prominent. Sunken eyes, dark circles, and increased wrinkles can signal dehydration.



Constipation is a common sign of dehydration. When we drink too little, our intestines absorb more water from stool, reducing its volume. This can lead to less frequent bowel movements. “In medicine, we speak of constipation when we talk about solid stools due to water deprivation,” explains Dr. Ahlemann. “But what many people don’t know is that drinking too little can also cause a hard bowel movement.”

Remember, these are just a few common signs of dehydration. If you experience any concerns, consult a medical professional. Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for overall health and well-being.

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