7 Simple Gardening Tasks to Transform Your Backyard in Under an Hour

Prepare your garden for the new season with these effortless tasks that can be completed in less than an hour:


Spring Clean Your Garden:

Remove dead leaves, trim back plants, and tidy up borders to create a fresh start.


Trim Winter Flowering Plants:

Cut back faded blooms and remove dead or damaged branches to encourage new growth.


Refresh Your Patio:

Sweep away debris, clean with a jet wash, and create a cozy space with plants and lighting.


Freshen Your Pots and Containers:

Plant early-season flowers or arrange existing plants for a colorful display.


Take Care of Your Lawn:

Clear debris, rake out moss, and level the soil for optimal grass growth.


Create a Wildlife Habitat:

Dedicate a small area with plants that attract butterflies, pollinators, and provide shelter for small animals.


Design Your Beds and Borders:

Assess your space, choose suitable plants, and plan the shape of your beds and borders for a cohesive landscape.

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