Pune Marks Earth Day with Focus on Fashion and Tree Plantation

PMC Raises Awareness on Fast Fashion for Earth Day

As part of World Earth Day, PMC conducted an online quiz about sustainable fashion, highlighting the environmental consequences of fast fashion. The quiz addressed issues such as plastic pollution, greenwashing, and the responsibilities of regulatory bodies.

Citizens Demand Tree Plantation on KP North Main Road

Citizens group Pune Samvaad continued their demand for compensatory tree plantation on KP North Main Road following the felling of trees for road widening. They emphasized the importance of proper tree transplantation and requested the protection of saplings with grill covers. They also demanded holes in the footpath for water percolation.

Indradhanushya Environment Education Centre and Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park Quiz on Sustainable Fashion

The quiz posed thought-provoking questions about the environmental implications of clothing consumption and the role of individuals in reducing textile waste.

PMC Highlights Adverse Effects of Fast Fashion

Ashwini Yadav, education officer of PMC’s garden department, emphasized the harmful effects of fast fashion on the environment and wildlife, particularly the release of microfibres into the food chain during washing.

Citizens Follow Up on Tree Plantation Implementation

Citizens group Pune Samvaad conducted a follow-up meeting to monitor the progress of tree plantation and ensure the protection of saplings. They stressed the need for proper tree transplantation within Koregaon Park.

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