Scotch Broth: Unraveling the Slang in Baby Reindeer

In the opening episode of ‘Baby Reindeer,’ Martha’s use of ‘Scotch broth’ as an innuendo for semen may leave non-UK viewers puzzled. According to UK sources, this usage is not common, making it an idiosyncratic phrase rather than a widely recognized slang term.

Scotch broth, however, is a genuine Scottish dish, a light soup originating in the early 1800s. Its base ingredients include lamb or mutton, barley, and chopped vegetables like cabbage, leeks, and beans, although the latter are optional and added later in the cooking process.

Despite Martha’s usage, Scotch broth is not a thick, white soup like chowder. Its consistency is watery, and its color ranges from yellow to orange or ochre. If Martha had sought a more accurate culinary metaphor for semen while maintaining the Scottish connection, she might have considered ‘Cullen Skink,’ a thick soup made with smoked haddock, potatoes, and onions, which comes closer in texture and appearance to semen than Scotch broth.

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