San Francisco Chinese Americans Turn against Progressive Candidates Amidst Crime Concerns

San Francisco’s Chinese American community, a significant voting bloc that has historically favored Democrats, is signaling a shift in political allegiance. With several key positions, including mayor and city attorney, up for election in November, many Chinese Americans are backing efforts to replace progressive candidates like Mayor London Breed. This move stems from growing dissatisfaction with the city’s handling of crime, homelessness, and other issues.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal report, Chinese Americans are particularly concerned about incidents of anti-Asian violence, perceived emphasis on equity over merit in school policies, and the persistent high levels of property crime. They also criticize Mayor Breed for downplaying the city’s crime problem.

This shift in political sentiment was evident in the recent recall campaign against District Attorney Chesa Boudin, in which many Chinese Americans actively participated. Boudin faced accusations of ignoring the community’s concerns and downplaying crimes against Asian Americans.

The growing frustration among Chinese Americans is also reflected in a San Francisco Chronicle poll from February, which found that 80% of likely Asian voters disapproved of Breed’s performance. The poll also showed that two of her challengers each received 17% support, while Breed only had 10%.

While it remains to be seen whether Chinese Americans will succeed in ousting progressive candidates in the upcoming elections, their growing dissatisfaction with the current leadership is a significant development in San Francisco politics.

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