Get ready for an exciting adventure as Coyote Ragtime Show Season 1 lands on Crunchyroll for streaming! This captivating anime series premiered in 2006 and boasts a stellar cast of voice actors, including Eriko Kigawa, Satomi Arai, and Akio Otsuka, who bring life to the unforgettable characters.
The story follows a dynamic duo, an audacious criminal known as Mister and a curious young girl named Angelica Burns, as they embark on a thrilling quest for a hidden treasure. Their journey leads them to a peculiar planet, where Angelica’s investigation into Mister takes an unexpected turn when she discovers his imprisonment in a local jail.
Coyote Ragtime Show Season 1 consists of 12 gripping episodes that will keep you on the edge of your seat. To embark on this adventure, simply head over to Crunchyroll and choose the subscription plan that best suits your needs. Whether you’re a seasoned anime enthusiast or new to the world of streaming, Coyote Ragtime Show promises an entertaining experience that will leave you wanting more.