New York Courts to Release Transcripts of Donald Trump’s Hush Money Trial

The New York Courts have announced that they will be posting the transcripts of Donald Trump’s hush money trial online, making them publicly accessible. This move is intended to provide the public with broad and continuous access to this high-profile case. Chief Administrative Judge Joseph Zayas emphasized that the transcripts are the most effective way for the public to follow the proceedings, given the limited space available in the courtroom for members of the public and the absence of live broadcasts. He stated that this measure is in the public interest and aligns with the court system’s commitment to judicial transparency and enhancing public understanding of the courts and justice system. The transcripts will be posted daily and available before the end of each subsequent business day. Court stenographers typically set their own fees, often charging per page for high-profile trials, which can accumulate to thousands of dollars per day. The New York Daily News editorial board, along with numerous lawyers and other media outlets, has strongly advocated for the transcripts’ release.

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