The upcoming ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 3’ film promises to be a thrilling cinematic experience for fans of the iconic video game franchise. Set to release later this year, the movie will feature the highly anticipated big-screen debut of the enigmatic Shadow the Hedgehog, a character who has garnered immense popularity since his introduction in ‘Sonic Adventure 2’. Beyond Shadow’s involvement, the film will delve into the rich lore of the Sonic universe, drawing inspiration from the beloved ‘Sonic Adventure 2’ game. Producer Toby Ascher has teased that the film will capture the essence of ‘Sonic Adventure 2’, incorporating its fast-paced platforming, dramatic storytelling, and unforgettable music. Additionally, Ascher hinted at references to other Sonic games, indicating a comprehensive celebration of the franchise’s history. With Keanu Reeves lending his voice to Shadow, ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 3’ is poised to deliver an action-packed and nostalgic cinematic experience for fans of all ages when it races into theaters on December 20th.