DreamWorks Animation’s eagerly anticipated September release, ‘ROZZUM,’ has realigned its release schedule, moving its theatrical debut to September 27, 2024. This adjustment creates a buffer from Paramount’s feature, which recently secured the September 20th slot. Directed by Chris Sanders and featuring the vocal talents of Lupita Nyong’o as ROZZUM unit 7134 (Roz), ‘ROZZUM’ embarks on an extraordinary journey. When Roz, a robot, finds herself stranded on an uncharted island, she must confront the challenges of her new surroundings. Adapting to the island’s harsh conditions, Roz forms unexpected friendships with the animals she encounters, transforming her isolated existence. The film draws inspiration from Peter Brown’s celebrated illustrated middle-grade novel of the same name, initially published in 2016. The book’s success led to the development of a trilogy, inspiring the movie adaptation. ‘ROZZUM’ boasts an impressive voice cast, including Catherine O’Hara, Bill Nighy, Kit Connor, and Stephanie Hsu, alongside the vocal talents of Matt Berry, Ving Rhames, and Emmy nominee Ving Rhames. DreamWorks Animation characterizes ‘ROZZUM’ as a compelling exploration of self-discovery and the intersection of technology and nature.