Patrick Mahomes Considers Spring Training with Royals

Before becoming a standout quarterback for the NFL, Patrick Mahomes excelled in multiple sports, including baseball. As a star baseball player at Whitehouse High School in Texas, he envisioned a future in the footsteps of his father, a former MLB pitcher. However, football ultimately became his primary focus.

Despite his commitment to football, Mahomes maintains his love for baseball. In a recent interview with Time Magazine, he revealed his desire to explore the possibility of practicing with the Royals during spring training. Mahomes’s words carry significant weight due to his role as a part-owner of the team.

Royals general manager JJ Picollo enthusiastically welcomed Mahomes’s ambition, expressing the team’s willingness to accommodate his schedule. Picollo acknowledged the challenges of aligning Mahomes’s football commitments with the Royals’ spring training schedule, but emphasized the team’s desire to have him participate in any capacity.

Mahomes’s potential involvement with the Royals has sparked excitement among fans and within the organization. His presence would provide a unique opportunity for the team to connect with a high-profile athlete and showcase its commitment to developing talent.

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