The upcoming drama film “Christmas Eve in Miller’s Point,” directed by Tyler Taormina, has wrapped production and is set to make its world premiere at the prestigious 77th annual Cannes Film Festival, taking place from May 14, 2024, to May 25, 2024. However, the specific release date for general audiences remains unannounced. While a trailer has yet to be released, speculations suggest that the film may have a wider release later in 2024. ComingSoon will provide updates as more information becomes available.
The film boasts an impressive cast, including Sawyer Spielberg, Maria Dizzia, Elsie Fisher, and Ben Shenkman. It follows the story of multiple generations of a family coming together at their ancestral home for a final Christmas celebration.
As of now, there is limited information regarding the exact release date and distribution method for “Christmas Eve in Miller’s Point.” Keep an eye out for updates from ComingSoon, as we will provide the latest news and developments as they emerge.