Busting Beauty Myths with Dr. Sophie Shotter

In a recent interview, Dr. Sophie Shotter, a leading dermatologist and aesthetics expert, provided valuable insights into the latest research and best practices surrounding aging and cosmetic treatments.

Dr. Shotter debunked the misconception that genetics play a dominant role in aging, emphasizing the profound impact of lifestyle factors on our health and appearance. She stressed that even our genes are subject to the influence of external factors.

She further highlighted the bidirectional relationship between skin health and overall well-being. Aged skin releases inflammatory mediators that can negatively impact the health of our heart and brain, underscoring the importance of maintaining youthful skin for optimal overall health.

Dr. Shotter’s popular podcast, Age Well, has gained recognition for its in-depth exploration of the various choices available in modern aging, backed by scientific evidence. Her upcoming episodes delve into topics such as cosmetic procedures during pregnancy and breastfeeding, cancer, and the use of supplements and injectables.

Recognizing her expertise in aesthetic treatments, Dr. Shotter provided comprehensive guidelines for those considering such procedures. She cautioned against the allure of low-cost options, emphasizing the importance of selecting reputable practitioners and high-quality products. In the UK, she recommended using licensed fillers backed by substantial data on safety and effectiveness.

She advised seeking practitioners with experience, qualifications, insurance, and emergency preparedness. She also recommended verifying their affiliation with professional registers, such as the British Aesthetic College of Aesthetic Medicine and the JCCP.

Dr. Shotter stressed that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to cosmetic treatments, as each procedure addresses specific concerns. She recommended seeking a practitioner who evaluates individual needs and develops tailored treatment plans for optimal results.

She cautioned against excessive treatment and perception drift, where individuals may become accustomed to a certain appearance and seek further enhancements. She emphasized the importance of having realistic expectations and open communication with practitioners, who should be willing to decline treatments if they are not in the best interests of the client.

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