The forthcoming season of the highly acclaimed live-action adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s legendary manga ‘One Piece’ is set to make its debut on Netflix in 2025. This highly anticipated season will resume the captivating journey of the Straw Hat Pirates as they venture into the perilous waters of the Grand Line. With an expansive budget and meticulous attention paid to preserving the essence of the original work, executive producer Matt Owens has skillfully brought the beloved anime to life in the highly successful first season. The upcoming season of the live-action adaptation will witness the return of the primary cast members, with Iñaki Godoy reprising his role as Monkey D. Luffy, the ambitious and spirited captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. Joining Godoy are Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro, a skilled swordsman; Emily Rudd as Nami, the ship’s knowledgeable navigator; Jacob Gibson as Usopp, a cowardly but resourceful sniper; and Taz Skylar as Sanji, the crew’s talented chef and ladies’ man. Production for Season 2 is anticipated to commence in June of this year, and Joe Tracz, who holds the position of co-executive producer on Disney’s ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ series, will join Owens as co-showrunner and writer. Tracz has confirmed the release window for Season 2 and expressed his enthusiasm to contribute to the project. As Season 2 embarks on its journey into the treacherous Grand Line, viewers can anticipate even more thrilling adventures and engaging narratives featuring the beloved Straw Hat Pirates.