Unlocking Social Media Advertising Success in the Era of Mobile Gaming

In collaboration with Qrious Insight, Digital Turbine has released a groundbreaking report series that examines the effectiveness of social media advertising in the burgeoning mobile gaming landscape. The first installment of the series focuses on QSR (Quick Service Restaurants) brands and urges advertisers to reevaluate their media mix to determine if they are effectively reaching audiences that spend more time in media channels they are currently not buying.

The report concludes that if QSR brands had reached the Mobile Gaming-First segment as effectively as social audiences, they could have boosted their reach by 18%. The report’s unique insights are derived from consumer behavioral data passively collected from over twenty thousand consumers during 2023.

Through their opted-in consumer panel, Qrious Insight, the research partner for the study, tracked overall mobile usage, social and YouTube app usage, website usage, restaurant visits, and detailed information on QSR advertising exposure within social media and YouTube. The data also analyzed detailed behavioral data of leading QSR brands, including McDonald’s, Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Burger King.

By segmenting consumers based on their actual media channel consumption – primarily whether they used mobile games or social/YouTube more dominantly – and then analyzing social media and YouTube ad exposures, the report highlights the need for a paradigm shift in advertising strategies. Ray Walia, CEO of Qrious Insight, emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer behavior beyond platform usage.

Commenting on the report, David Daly, VP of Global Sales at Digital Turbine, stresses the need for brands to reassess their media mix based on consumers’ actual mobile behaviors. He emphasizes the importance of incorporating mobile gaming as a pivotal component of their media mix to optimize campaign impact.

The report underscores the significance of dynamic and comprehensive advertising strategies as consumer habits continue to evolve. Digital Turbine and Qrious Insight aim to provide brands with the tools they need to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape with precision and innovation.

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