Sand Land, based on the manga of the same name by legendary manga artist Akira Toriyama, is a captivating adventure game that embodies the essence of the artist’s classic works. Set in a vast desert where water has become a relic of the past, players take on the role of Beelzebub, a mischievous demon prince who would rather play pranks than attend to his royal duties. A fateful encounter with Rao, a human from a distant land, leads Beelzebub on a quest to find the Legendary Spring and bring water back to the parched people of Sand Land.
As the story unfolds, a sinister plot emerges, revealing that the disappearance of water is not a mere accident. Beelzebub and Rao form an unlikely alliance, navigating through treacherous landscapes and facing formidable enemies in their quest to restore balance to the world.
Sand Land is a visually striking game, despite its desert setting. The developers have crafted a vibrant and diverse world, featuring rocky outcrops, cascading sandfalls, and breathtaking sunsets that paint the dunes in a warm glow. However, certain indoor areas may feel repetitive and lack the same level of detail as the outdoor environments.
The gameplay in Sand Land revolves around vehicles, which serve as the primary means of transportation and combat. Players have access to a variety of vehicles, each with unique abilities and characteristics, ranging from sleek cars to powerful tanks. The game’s vehicle designs, reminiscent of Toriyama’s iconic creations, are a testament to the developer’s passion for the source material.
The early stages of the game may feel slow-paced, but once players acquire new vehicles, the pacing picks up considerably. Tank combat, in particular, is a highlight of the gameplay, allowing players to unleash a torrent of destruction upon enemy forces. While other vehicles can also be used in combat, their controls can be less intuitive, making the tank the preferred choice for most battles.
Sand Land also features melee combat sequences, which, while not as polished as the vehicle-based gameplay, provide a brief respite from the vehicular mayhem. As players progress through the story, they will need to construct new vehicles to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles. The game’s crafting system, aided by the newly introduced character Ann, offers a surprising amount of depth, allowing players to customize their vehicles with upgraded weapons, armor, and engines.
Despite the vast desert setting, traversal never becomes tedious thanks to the variety of vehicles at the player’s disposal. The game encourages exploration, as players can collect materials from defeated enemies to upgrade their vehicles and discover hidden areas that reward them with unique parts and treasures.
Once the main story is completed, Sand Land continues with an original storyline, introducing new conflicts and expanding upon the world and characters. This additional content is seamlessly integrated into the game, staying true to the spirit of Toriyama’s work.
Sand Land is a nostalgic and lighthearted adventure that celebrates the imaginative worlds and whimsical characters created by Akira Toriyama. While it may not offer the deepest gameplay or lore, its charming story, unique setting, and focus on vehicle-based gameplay make it a refreshing and enjoyable experience. Fans of Toriyama’s works and those seeking a nostalgic adventure will find much to appreciate in Sand Land.