2023 Candidate Forum for Issaquah City Council Position No. 2

The candidates for Issaquah City Council Position No. 2 participated in a candidate forum on August 8, 2023. The candidates discussed their qualifications, experience, and priorities for the position. The forum was moderated by the Issaquah Reporter.

The candidates are incumbent candidate Mary Lou Pauly and challenger Ryan Phillips. Pauly has served on the City Council for eight years, and Phillips is a former member of the Issaquah School Board.

During the forum, the candidates discussed a variety of issues, including affordable housing, transportation, and the environment. Pauly said that she is committed to making Issaquah a more affordable place to live, and she supports policies that will help to create more affordable housing options. She also said that she is committed to improving transportation in Issaquah, and she supports policies that will make it easier for people to get around the city without driving. Phillips said that he is committed to protecting the environment, and he supports policies that will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect Issaquah’s natural resources.

The candidates also discussed their priorities for the city. Pauly said that her top priorities are affordable housing, transportation, and the environment. Phillips said that his top priorities are the environment, public safety, and economic development.

The forum was attended by a large number of Issaquah residents. The residents were able to ask the candidates questions about their qualifications, experience, and priorities. The forum was a valuable opportunity for Issaquah residents to learn more about the candidates and their positions on the issues.

The election for Issaquah City Council Position No. 2 will be held on November 7, 2023.

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