Alfie, a young contestant on the popular adventure reality show Race Across The World, was left in floods of tears as he released a lantern into the water in memory of his late mother. The emotional moment occurred during the team’s time in Hoi An, Vietnam, where they stopped to pay respects to their ancestors by releasing lanterns into the water.
Alfie’s story touched the hearts of viewers, who were moved by his raw emotion and the reminder of the fragility of life. The 20-year-old revealed that his mother was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer while breastfeeding him as a newborn, but she held on long enough to see him have his first day of school.
Releasing the lantern into the water, Alfie choked up and let out a sob as he was ‘inundated with emotions’ he hadn’t felt ‘since [he] was a little kid’. Viewers were deeply moved by the moment, with many taking to social media to express their sympathy and support for Alfie.
Despite the emotional setback, Alfie and his best friend Owen managed to secure first position for the stretch and arrived safely at the checkpoint in Cambodia. Alfie’s strength and determination in the face of adversity is an inspiration to us all and serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, we can find the strength to keep going.