The long-running reality series ‘Little People, Big World’ concluded its 25th season with a poignant finale that aired on Tuesday, April 24. The episode focused on the emotional toll the sale of the family farm has taken on the Roloff family, particularly on Matt Roloff.
Matt expressed his sadness over feeling like he had missed out on his grandchildren’s lives due to the estrangement between him and his son Zach. Amy and Chris, along with Matt’s girlfriend Caryn, gathered on the family farm to celebrate the success of their fundraiser. However, the celebratory atmosphere was tinged with the absence of Zach and his wife Tori, highlighting the ongoing rift within the family.
The sale of the farm has been a major source of drama throughout the season, severely damaging the relationship between Matt and Zach. Zach and Tori, who have three children, have been estranged from Matt for years, and their appearances on the show have only further strained that relationship. In February, the couple announced their decision to leave ‘Little People, Big World’ at the end of Season 25, casting doubt on the future of the franchise.
Fans had speculated that Zach and his family would eventually take over the show, but their departure leaves the series’ future uncertain. TLC has not yet officially announced whether ‘Little People, Big World’ will be renewed for Season 26. While the series remains one of TLC’s highest-rated shows, a renewal could be contingent on the availability of Roloff family members to contribute or the family’s decision to end the show.