Mayfield Police Blotter: Unattended Wallet Recovered, Autism Facility Incident Investigated

Illegal Dumping at Apartment Complex

On April 17, residents of an apartment complex in Mayfield captured photographs of two women illegally dumping the contents of an SUV into a Dumpster on the property. Management confirmed that the women did not reside there and notified the police. The garbage left behind included a mattress and bed frame. Authorities are currently working to identify the individuals involved.

Stolen Wallet Recovered at Hotel

A patron of the Hilton Garden Inn in Mayfield reported on April 19 that his wallet had vanished after being left unattended in the lobby. Surveillance footage was examined and revealed a person taking the wallet. The individual, a Georgia resident, was contacted and initially claimed to have found the wallet and intended to return it. However, he later brought it to the police station, and the owner confirmed that nothing was missing.

Autism Facility Incident

A mother in Mayfield expressed concern on April 19 that her non-verbal autistic son may have been injured at a special needs care facility. She had left the 4-year-old boy there the previous day and was contacted by staff about five hours later. They informed her that the child was crying and favoring an arm but could not explain why, stating that he had arrived in that condition. The mother took the child to the hospital, where an elbow injury was confirmed. Child protective services were alerted to the incident and will investigate further.

Suspicious Man at Soccer Fields

On April 20, officers responded to a report of a suspicious man at the soccer fields in Mayfield. A witness claimed that the man had ridden a bicycle to the area, walked past children, taken a water bottle, and entered the woods. The man was located, and it was determined that he was the parent of a child playing soccer and had committed no wrongdoing.

Teenagers Charging Phones at Gazebo

Two high school students were found charging their phones at the village gazebo in Mayfield around 11 p.m. on April 20. It initially appeared that they may have been camping there. However, officers instructed the students to leave after they finished charging their devices.

Custody Visit Incident

A woman in Mayfield reported on April 21 that her estranged husband made unwanted advances toward her during a custody visit at the village playground. After reviewing the incident, officers concluded that it was a civil matter and documented the details as requested by the woman’s attorney.

Spent Shell Casings Found

Spent shell casings were discovered near a trash can at Wildcat Stadium in Mayfield on April 21. Officers believed they were likely from a starter pistol used at a recent track meet, and this was confirmed by an official from the event.

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