Terrorist Attack Survivor Natalie Sanandaji Doxxed, Personal Information Leaked

Natalie Sanandaji, a survivor of the horrific Nova Music Festival terrorist attack, became the target of a malicious doxxing incident on Tuesday via an unnamed Telegram group. The post shamelessly labeled Natalie as a “target” and recklessly leaked highly sensitive personal information that could put her in grave danger.

Since surviving the tragedy on October 7th, Natalie has courageously dedicated her life to speaking out against the terrorist group Hamas, becoming a powerful voice for those who were silenced or taken hostage during that horrific day. However, her unwavering advocacy has made her a target for those who seek to silence her.

The Telegram post callously laid bare Natalie’s home address, personal and professional emails, and phone number. It also exposed her primary social media accounts, including Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, urging others to report her under false pretenses as “dangerous,” “extremist,” and an “impersonator.”

In a defiant response, Sanandaji took to social media to condemn the doxxing, declaring, “This photo is just one of many examples of people trying to silence me. But I won’t stay silent.” Her unwavering determination to continue speaking out despite these threats is a testament to her courage and resilience.

During the October 7th attacks, Natalie’s life was spared thanks to the heroic efforts of Moshe Sati, a civilian rescuer who selflessly risked his own safety to evacuate civilians from the festival. Moshe’s quick thinking and selfless actions undoubtedly saved countless lives.

Natalie’s unwavering commitment to fighting hate and extremism has led her to join the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) as its public affairs officer. She has also played a pivotal role in a lawsuit filed in the US against UNRWA, alleging financial support for Hamas. This lawsuit seeks damages under the Alien Tort Statute, which empowers US courts to adjudicate acts committed in violation of international law, including anti-terrorism financing treaties.

This doxxing incident is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by those who dare to challenge extremism and terrorism. Natalie Sanandaji’s indomitable spirit and refusal to be silenced serve as a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.

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