The much-anticipated romantic comedy “Dare to Love Me” has unveiled a captivating poster that offers a glimpse into the intriguing love story between Shin Yoon Bok, a steadfast 21st-century scholar from Seongsan village, and Kim Hong Do, his unconventional and spirited art teacher.
Based on the popular webtoon of the same name, “Dare to Love Me” delves into a compelling tale of love and compatibility. The poster showcases a striking contrast between the characters’ personalities. Shin Yoon Bok, portrayed by Kim Myung Soo, exudes determination in his traditional hanbok, while Lee Yoo Young as Kim Hong Do exudes vibrancy with her colorful sweater and lively expression. Her desk, in stark contrast to Shin Yoon Bok’s, is a testament to her free-spirited nature.
A charming detail in the poster further highlights Kim Hong Do’s growing affection for Shin Yoon Bok – a heart-shaped arrow adorning her hair bun, seemingly fired by a miniature version of him. This subtle touch foreshadows the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for this unlikely couple as they navigate their teeter-tottering romance.
“Dare to Love Me” promises to enchant viewers with its exploration of love and the complexities of contrasting personalities. The drama is set to premiere on May 13 and is sure to captivate audiences with its heartwarming and engaging storyline.