In a recent episode of the animated series, X-Men ’97, Captain America makes a return appearance. However, his appearance has not been met with the usual enthusiasm from fans. In the episode, Rogue, driven by a desire for revenge, infiltrates a top-secret government facility in search of a scientist linked to the destruction of Genosha and the deaths of her allies, Magneto and Gambit. While searching, she encounters Captain America, who attempts to apprehend her. In a surprising turn of events, Rogue overpowers Captain America, confiscating his iconic shield. She then flings the shield into the distance, leaving a bewildered and frustrated Captain America in her wake. Captain America is portrayed as adhering strictly to the rules, prioritizing his duty as a soldier over pursuing justice for the destruction of Genosha. This portrayal has sparked criticism from fans, who argue that it is out of character for Captain America. Traditionally depicted as a beacon of justice and an advocate for the oppressed, fans believe that the series has strayed from his core values in this episode. The internet has been buzzing with reactions to the episode, with many expressing their disappointment and confusion. Some have pointed out that the characterization of Captain America in this episode seems incongruous with his established personality. Others have criticized the show’s handling of the Genosha storyline, arguing that it has undermined the emotional weight of the tragedy and the motivations of the characters involved. Despite the negative feedback, the appearance of Captain America in X-Men ’97 has undoubtedly generated a lot of discussion and speculation among fans. It remains to be seen how the character will be developed in future episodes and whether these criticisms will be addressed. For now, the jury is still out on whether this portrayal of Captain America aligns with the character’s legacy and the expectations of fans.