Nearly two years after the third season of The Orville, collectively known as The Orville: New Horizons, finished its run on Hulu, fans are eagerly awaiting news about the fourth season. The sci-fi comedy series, created by Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, follows the adventures of the crew of the USS Orville. MacFarlane stars as Captain Ed Mercer, and the cast includes Penny Johnson Jerald, Adrianne Palicki, and Scott Grimes.
As of May 2024, Hulu has not yet renewed The Orville for a fourth season. However, MacFarlane has indicated that he’s not done with the show yet. “The Orville was a passion project,” said MacFarlane. “I say ‘was,’ but I don’t really mean ‘was’ because there will be more.”
Palicki, who plays Commander Kelly Grayson, has said that she’s not sure if The Orville has been canceled, but she added that she’s not planning to return for a fourth season. “No, no longer doing that,” Palicki said when asked about her future on The Orville during an appearance on Michael Rosenbaum’s Inside of You podcast. “There’s talk that it could possibly be something that certain people want to do … But it’s a really difficult show to shoot, man.”
Palicki is currently the only cast member to say that she’s not planning to come back if The Orville is renewed. Given her character’s importance to the series, it would definitely be a different show without her.
Since it’s unknown if The Orville is coming back for a fourth season, there is no trailer at this time. If the show is renewed, it will likely be at least two years before we see any new episodes.