Heatwaves and Unseasonal Rains Hit India’s Mango Crops, Prices Likely to Soar

Amidst the sweltering heat and erratic rainfall, India’s mango crop, a national treasure, is facing significant challenges that threaten to disrupt supplies and drive up prices. The extreme weather conditions have impacted mango tree flowering, leading to smaller fruit size and reduced yields. While the nation eagerly awaits the arrival of mangoes, concerns are growing over the potential consequences of this reduced production.

Mango growers across the country are witnessing the effects of intense heatwaves and unseasonal rainfall on their crops. Sandipan Biswas, a mango grower from West Bengal, has seen a significant decline in his harvest this season, attributing it to the adverse weather patterns during winter. The weight of popular mango varieties like Amrapali, Fazli, and Langra has reportedly dropped by half, affecting both local markets and consumers.

Similar concerns are being raised by growers in Tamil Nadu, where heatwaves have resulted in a drastic reduction in crop yield. Prabhuram Rajagopal, a nursery owner and member of the Tamil Nadu Mango Growers Federation, highlights the challenges faced by farmers in the region.

Despite the domestic supply concerns, trade analysts believe that India’s mango exports will remain unaffected. The country has substantial export commitments, and exporters benefit from higher prices in international markets. Ajay Sahai, director general and CEO of the Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO), acknowledges that while domestic prices may rise due to the reduced crop, he does not anticipate any significant impact on export volumes or value.

India is renowned for its vast mango production, cultivating approximately 25 million tonnes annually. The country boasts over 1,000 mango varieties, including the celebrated Alphonso variety. Mango cultivation spans an area of 2.4 million hectares across major growing states such as Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat, and Telangana.

In the first half of the current financial year (April-August), India exported over 27,000 tonnes of mangoes, valued at $47.98 million. The United States, Germany, and Burkina Faso are among the प्रमुख export destinations.

Despite repeated attempts, queries sent to the horticulture department of the agriculture ministry and the consumer affairs department remained unanswered at the time of this report’s publication.

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