The saga began when Kumar was discovered at the residence of Preeti Kumari, a married woman with a child, whom he had met on Facebook. Despite Preeti’s marital status, the pair had fallen in love through their online interactions. Upon their discovery by villagers, Kumar and Preeti were taken to a village temple and coerced into marriage. However, Kumar’s romantic entanglements did not end there. Prior to his marriage to Preeti, he had been involved with Girija Kumari, a singer and his former girlfriend. Despite his recent nuptials, Kumar continued his affair with Girija, keeping it a secret from his first wife and family. Fate intervened once more when Kumar was again caught at Girija’s house by villagers, resulting in another forced marriage at the village temple. Within 20 days, Kumar found himself married to two women. Meanwhile, Preeti, his first wife, filed a complaint at the police station regarding her husband’s second marriage, while Girija expressed her willingness to live with Kumar’s family. The Jamui police have stated that no formal complaint has been received, but if one is filed, appropriate action will be taken.