19 People Who Had a Week So Bad, It’ll Make You Feel Better About Your Own

If you’ve had a rough week, spare a thought for these poor souls who have endured a string of unfortunate events that would make anyone’s jaw drop.

1. The person whose birthday cake became an inferno of wax. (u/zb7400 on Reddit)

2. The person who unknowingly shared their bed with a venomous serpent. (u/billmillerbbq on Reddit)

3. The person who witnessed their kitchen crumble into a pile of broken dreams. (u/angelofdeath771 on Reddit)

4. The person who narrowly escaped a fate worse than death, thanks to their cat’s quick reflexes. (u/vitessence on Reddit)

5. The person who enjoyed a midnight snack of AirPods. (u/anemoneofmyenemy on Reddit)

6. The person whose guacamole portion was so meager, it would make a monk cry. (u/jerky-legs on Reddit)

7. The person who was mercilessly pelted by a barrage of tiny rocks. (u/evildread on Reddit)

8. The person whose refrigerator delivered the ultimate disappointment, mocking them with empty shelves. (u/guncleshark on Reddit)

9. The person whose trash can met an untimely demise, leaving a trail of garbage in its wake. (u/charmkaster7 on Reddit)

10. The person who showcased their impressive athleticism with an NFL-worthy catch. (u/gutfeelingonthelong on Reddit)

11. The person who may need to consult a doctor after a possible encounter with a rabid animal. (u/vividbre on Reddit)

12. The person whose car became an abstract masterpiece of vibrant hues after an unfortunate incident. (reddit.com)

13. The person who stumbled upon a novel approach to making pancakes, resulting in a culinary abomination. (u/pyretta-blazeit on Reddit)

14. The person who faced the ultimate dining dilemma: eating without utensils. (u/Substantial-Canary15 on Reddit)

15. The person whose freezer resembled the desolate conditions faced by polar explorers. (u/colonyy on Reddit)

16. The person who discovered the perils of microwaving certain materials, leading to a burnt and smoking mess. (u/vitathevixen on Reddit)

17. The person who was forced to abandon their home after a catastrophic event. (u/echowolfe88 on Reddit)

18. The person who suffered a financial disaster that left them utterly bankrupt. (Facebook: ThingsThatAreNotAesthetic)

19. The person whose toaster seemed to mock them with its constant malfunctioning, burning their bread to a crisp.

These are just a few examples of the unfortunate souls who have endured a week from hell. If you’re feeling down, just remember that there are always people who have it worse. So chin up, buttercup, and be grateful that your week isn’t as disastrous as theirs.

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